This week’s Gospel as in the Codex Fuldensis Gospel: 6th Sunday of Lent, (Palm Sunday)
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This Week's Gospel: Matt 26: 14 - 27: 66.
(16th-March-2008) 6th Sunday of Lent, (Palm Sunday), Year A
Blessing on him who comes in the name of the Lord!
This reading, which is of considerable length in the standard Gospel given, is a monsterous reading in the Codex fuldensis Gospel. Whereas in Matthew, it comprises the most of two quite long chapters, here it comprises over 40 pages, so rather than printing out such a huge text, I recommend that you either read on from the link I have given below, or download the eBook, which you can find here.
CLVII. Ubi Ihesus hortatur discipulos suos, ut non pavefiat cor vestrum.
(Where Jesus encourages His disciples, that they not let their hearts be troubled.)
Here is a list of the capita and their page numbers, which comprise the passion narrative in the Codex Fuldensis Gospel.
277 CLVII. Ubi Ihesus hortatur discipulos suos, ut non pavefiat cor vestrum.
Where Jesus encourages His disciples, that they not let their hearts be troubled.
281 CLVIII. Ubi Ihesus dicit discipulis suis: qui quod habet, baiulet.
Where Jesus says to His disciples: He that has, he bears the load.
282 CLVIIII. Ubi Ihesus dicit: ego sum vitis et vos palmites.
Where Jesus says: I am the vine and you the branches.
293 CLX. Ubi Ihesus venit in Gesamani et orat, ut transferat calicem istum.
Where Jesus comes to Gethsemani and prays that He removes His cup.
296 CLXI. Ubi Iudas venit cum turbis conpræhendere Ihesum.
Where Judas comes with a crowd to arrest Jesus.
299 CLXII. Ubi adulescens quidam indutus sindone sequebatur Ihesum.
Where a certain young man wearing a linen cloth followed Jesus.
300 CLXIII. Ubi interrogat princeps sacerdotum Ihesum de discipulis et de doctrina eius.
Where the chief priests ask Jesus of his disciples and of his doctrine.
302 CLXIIII. Ubi falsi testes adversus Ihesum quærebantur.
Where false witnesses against Jesus should be sought.
303 CLXV. Ubi principes sacerdotum adiurat Ihesum: si tu es Christus, dic nobis.
Where the chief priests adjure Jesus: If you are the Christ, tell us.
304 CLXVI. Ubi traditur Pilato Ihesus et penitetur Iudas.
Where Jesus is handed over to Pilate and Judas is repented.
305 CLXVII. Ubi Pilatus audit inter Iudæos et dominum et mittit eum ad Herodem.
Where Pilate hears the case between the Judeans and the Lord, and sends Him to Herod.
311 CLXVIII. Ubi uxor Pilati misit ad eum dicens: nihil tibi sit et iusto illi.
Where Pilate's wife sends to him saying: Have thou nothing to do with that just man.
312 CLXVIIII. Ubi Pilatus dimisit Barabban et tradidit Christum ad crucifigendum.
Where Pilate dismisses Barabbas and hands Jesus over for crucifixion.
313 CLXX. Ubi duo latrones cum Christo crucifigi ducuntur et ubi Ihesus de cruce de matræ sua dixit ad discipulum quem diligebat: ecce mater tua.
Where two thieves are led to be crucified with the Christ, and where Jesus from the cross, of His mother saith to the disciple whom He loved: Behold thy mother.
321 CLXXI. Ubi Ioseph petit corpus Ihesu a Pilato et sepelivit una cum Nicodemo.
Where Joseph asks Pilate for the body of Jesus and with Nicodemus buries it.
322 CLXXII. Ubi Iudæi signant monumentum.
Where the Judeans seal the sepulchre.
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